
Communicate more effectively

Welcome! This website is dedicated to advancing the art and science of technical writing. “Advancing technical writing” is really just learning how to communicate more effectively. That’s why the site’s tagline is communicate more effectively.

“Is this site for me?”

  • If you also write docs for software engineers (like me), I imagine you’ll find lots of stuff on the site highly relevant

  • If you’re doing another type of technical writing, you’ll still probably get a lot of mileage out of the site

  • If you’re just interested in effective communication in general, you’ll find some useful nuggets here and there

A tour of the site

Over in Research I collect evidence-based ideas about communicating effectively. It’s organized along the lines of (hopefully) self-evident themes like Words and Links.

The Blog is… well… it’s a blog. You probably know what a blog is. It’s where I jot down my current thoughts. Any idea is fair game so long as it aligns with the spirit of learning how to communicate more effectively.

Levers is a very preliminary work in progress but it will eventually capture what I believe to be our greatest leverage points as communicators.

About me

Hello, I’m Kayce Basques. You can blame me for everything on this site. I’ve been a professional technical writer for going on 12 years now.